Submitted By: Kyle Severson
Trip Completed By: Kyle Severson
Trip Date: 5/2/2020
Disciplines: Road Run, Road Bike
Total Time: 3:07:23
Trip Report: I picked a warm windy day to complete this adventure. The nicely paved Munger Trail makes for some easy miles and I felt strong passing along the towering basalt cliffs of Ely’s peak 5 miles in. Once I hit the State Park boundary of Jay Cooke at mile 10, the weather elements started to wear me down and by the time I crossed the wooden bridge over the St. Louis River into Carlton, I was dying for some water and food that I knew where waiting for me by my bike. I stopped at the Carlton park shelter (14.55 miles) where I had planted my road bike earlier in the day, and after a 10-minute transition, I headed back on the Munger Trail to Scenic Hwy 210 into Jay Cooke State Park. After a tough run, I was rewarded with thrilling downhills on the bike, losing 500ft of elevation in around 30 minutes. However, I became very cautious after the wind almost swept me off the road a few times during some of the more intense downhills. After coming down the last hill on Hwy 210 to Chambers Grove, I hooked on to Hwy 23 along the St. Louis River and headed towards Gary New Duluth. Hwy 23 eventually lead me back to the Duluth terminus of the Munger Trail where I started after 16.64 miles (maybe more) on the road bike.
Leg 1: Run 14.55 miles – 1:50:59
- Distance Instructions
- Distance 15 miles
- Time 5 h 52 min
- Speed 2 mph
- Min altitude 617 ft
- Peak 1122 ft
- Climb 1476 ft
- Descent 1030 ft
Transition: ~0:10:00
Leg 2: Bike 16.64 miles – 56:24
- Distance Instructions
- Distance 17 miles
- Time 6 h 48 min
- Speed 2 mph
- Min altitude 604 ft
- Peak 1079 ft
- Climb 860 ft
- Descent 1309 ft